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uocte / Building with CMake


For Windows use these Notes. For all other systems, please ensure that you have CMake installed, as well as development versions of the following libraries:

On Debian/Ubuntu/etc. the packages can be installed using

sudo aptitude install g++ cmake libqt5opengl5-dev libglew-dev libexpat-dev libarchive-dev libopenjpeg-dev


Assuming you put the downloaded uocte sources in a directory called uocte the following commands issued in a command line will configure the build process.

mkdir uocte-build
cd uocte-build
cmake ../uocte

Instead of cmake you can use ccmake or cmake-gui to change build parameters or set paths to libraries not found automatically. On Windows, you should add -G "MinGW Makefiles" after cmake.

To actually build uocte issue


inside the build directory. Under Windows you need to use mingw32-make instead of make.


The final binary is in uocte-build/bin. To install the program system-wide issue

make install
